Attorney Honored at NAACP Breakfast
On January 15, 2021, at the NAACP’s First Coast Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Empowerment Breakfast, “Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?” Terrell • Hogan attorneys, Leslie A. Goller and Leslie Scott Jean-Bart, received two of the four Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Empowerment Awards given at the event. These awards were given to individuals who have sacrificed and selflessly represented the community well.
2020 Certainly Wasn’t the Year We Expected, But…
Through all the struggles Covid caused, our team stepped up and found new initiatives to thank frontline healthcare workers and help nursing home residents communicate with their loved ones. We also continued volunteering with programs serving the community.
Team Terrell • Hogan Continues Community Giving
From pro-bono legal services to representing the interests of children through the Guardian ad Litem program, volunteer legal services are an integral part of the firm’s work of seeking justice for the injured.
Breast Implants: FDA Issues Strongest Black Box Warning Over Illness
On September 29, the Food & Drug Administration issued its strongest black box warning for silicone and saline breast implants, according to Georgia Public Broadcasting
Toy Safety Reminders on First Coast Connect
Wayne Hogan spoke with Melissa Ross on WJCT’s First Coast Connect to get the word out about toy safety and the ten toys that made it on W.A.T.C.H.’s 2020 “10 Worst Toys” list. W.A.T.C.H. stands for World Against Toys Causing Harm, Inc.
Chris Shakib Writes About Mass Tort Litigation
For more than four decades, Terrell • Hogan has represented consumers who were injured or killed by defective or unsafe drugs, medical devices, and
Don’t Forget Toy Safety During the Holidays
World Against Toys Causing Harm (W.A.T.C.H) released 2020’s “10 Worst Toys” list. Every year we publish the list because we want to highlight dangerous toys and the types of problems to look for when buying them. It’s a reminder we need to be vigilant about toy safety year-round, not just during the holidays.
Avoiding Porch Pirates: Companies Offer Delivery Options
With online shopping continuing to thrive this holiday season, shipping companies are offering alternate delivery options to keep your packages safe from porch pirates this holiday season.
Running for Positive Change – “Freed to Run” is Coming to Town
On November 19th, one of Terrell • Hogan’s own, Bradley Bodiford, participated in the Freed to Run 4.0 marathon event to benefit the Northeast Florida Medical Legal Aid Partnership between Jacksonville Area Legal Aid and the Baptist Health Foundation.
Tips to Safely Deep Fry a Thanksgiving Turkey
Frying a turkey is a serious undertaking and, as many online videos confirm, incredibly dangerous if done wrong. So here are some tips on how to deep fry your turkey – and what not to do.
Boating Safety Saves Lives
Boating can be a lot of fun, but a relaxing day on the water can turn dangerous quickly if boaters don’t follow safety regulations and guidelines.
Electric Vehicle Battery Fire Risks
In the last few months, electric vehicles have been recalled due to battery fire dangers. At Terrell • Hogan, we know that it’s best to try to find ways to prevent injury and loss before it happens, but until there’s a solution to this dangerous defect, we will continue to repeat information electric car battery fire defects.
Terrell • Hogan Takes a Thorough Approach to Investigating Truck Crashes
Florida’s tremendous growth in population and commerce has led to a significant increase in commercial traffic on our roadways, leading to a higher risk of
Daily Record Article: Whistleblowers Key to Combatting Government Fraud
Terrell • Hogan attorney and former federal and state prosecutor, Bradley Bodiford, wrote this Daily Record article, Whistleblowers can save us, about the vital role whistleblowers have in uncovering government fraud, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.
Foster Care Siblings Find Forever Home
Alan Pickert advocated for siblings who were adopted. By serving as guardian ad litem to two siblings in foster care, Terrell • Hogan partner, Alan
Virtual Distracted Driving Presentations
Dear Community Partner, Even though texting and driving is both deadly and against the law, some people still risk it. Distracted Driving is another epidemic
Terrell • Hogan Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign Sponsors Walk Like MADD Virtual Event
We, at Terrell • Hogan, are honored to support MADD’s efforts to combat impaired driving. MADD set the model for saving lives. Keeping our First Coast roads safe is a team effort. Drunk, drugged and distracted driving are all preventable, and all too often, they are deadly.
To-Do’s to Check Off When We Fall Back
When Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 1, it’s a good time to take care of twice-a-year home maintenance tasks. After you change your clocks, use the extra hour on Sunday to check off a few to-dos:
Avoiding Wrong Site Surgery
Wrong-site surgeries include surgery on the wrong side or site of the body, on the wrong patient and/or performing the wrong surgery. It’s the No. 1 safety concern for 65 percent of operating room nurses, a Medline national survey found. Wrong-site surgeries happen up to 40 times a week in the U.S., according to the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare.
Don’t Forget Toy Safety When Buying Online
More people are expected to do their holiday gift shopping online and to buy toys early because of Covid. Being aware of common toy hazards before buying can help prevent injuries. Some top toy hazards are: Toys with Small Parts, Magnets, Balloons, Toys that shoot objects into the air, Toys that are too loud, Scooters & other riding toys, Toys with toxic materials, & Chargers & adapters.