Every day, drivers share the roadways with trucks that have unsecured loads or overloaded cargo in their flatbeds, brimming with equipment, tires, furniture – you name it. Absent of bungie cords or other means of securing the cargo, they can be a recipe for disaster, causing truck accidents.
Unsecured Loads

If you are driving next to or behind that truck and its cargo flies out and hits you, it could cause serious injury or death. An item that flies out of the truck and lands on the roadway can cause accidents as other drivers swerve to try and avoid it. When unsecured loads shift to one side, the truck could flip over when the driver changes lanes or turns, causing an accident.
Overloaded Semi-Trucks
In addition to 4-wheeler trucks driven by consumers, when semi-trucks are overloaded, they are prone to jackknifing, delays in braking and other safety concerns that make them dangerous to other drivers. There is a legal limit set for the weight of cargo trucks. However, when a driver or trucking company does not follow legal limits, they may be held liable for injuries or damage resulting from a commercial truck crash.
An 18-wheeler accident can happen when a truck, overloaded with cargo, has mechanical problems and mechanical failures because of the extra weight, causing the driver to lose control of the truck. Extra weight could cause a mechanical failure or effect the braking system, requiring more time to stop the vehicle. An overloaded truck could also be hard to control when the driver travels on an incline because gravity may pull the truck forward, causing to collide with another vehicle sharing the road with it.
4,317 people died in large truck crashes in 2016 in our country, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
If you or a loved one was killed or injured in a truck accident due to unsecured or overloaded cargo, it’s important to consult with a Jacksonville truck accident lawyer who is experienced in truck accident litigation and has the resources to vigorously pursue justice on your behalf. Consider contacting me for a complimentary case evaluation.