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Nova Max Glucose Test Strips Recalled

A voluntary recall of certain lots of Nova Max Glucose Test Strips has occurred.  It has been determined that these strips may cause a false, abnormally high blood sugar level to be reported. A falsely high blood sugar level could result in an insulin dosing error (taking too much insulin) that could lead to a serious health risk requiring immediate medical attention. If you use Nova Max Glucose Test Strips or have a Nova Max Plus Meter Kit, check to see if the test strips you have are in the affected lots listed in Appendix A.  If they are, immediately stop using them.
You can receive replacement of the affected test strips at no charge to you by calling Nova Diabetes Customer Service at 1-800-681-7390 and verifying the affected Lot #s that you possess.  Do not stop testing your blood sugar using non-recalled test strips.
For additional information, click here.


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About The Author

Picture of Leslie A. Goller

Leslie A. Goller

Leslie has dedicated her career to championing consumers – whether they were harmed by big corporations, dangerous products, medical mistakes, accidents, or an unsafe environment – no issue is too big for her to tackle. She successfully prevented an incinerator from being built at University Hospital (now UF-Jacksonville), which would have polluted the air with toxic chemicals and obtained significant restrictions of other Jacksonville hospital incinerators resulting in cleaner air.