School Crossing Guards are invaluable in protecting our children and promoting public safety in Jacksonville. For their faithful service, in all kinds of weather, they were honored at a luncheon held on June 1, 2011 at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, in front of approximately 250 luncheon attendees. The JSO administers a program with over 320 School Crossing Guards at 108 elementary schools, supervised by three JSO Safety Education Officers. Wayne Hogan sponsored the luncheon again this year. Unfortunately, Wayne had a scheduling conflict and invited his law partners Bruce Anderson and Patty Dodson to attend on his behalf. Bruce and Patty, both being former prosecutors, thoroughly enjoyed the event and the opportunity to catch up with many of the JSO officers in attendance who previously worked with them in bringing criminals to justice. During the ceremony, Sheriff John Rutherford presented School Crossing Guard Carla Smith with a certificate in honor for her 35 years of service to the JSO. Sheriff John Rutherford said the luncheon could not have been held without the generosity of people like Wayne, and asked Bruce and Patty to convey his personal gratitude to his friend Wayne Hogan.