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Queremos Ayudarle
More Than 1 in 3 Smartphone Owners Admit to Using it While Driving

A McKinsey & Company June 2012 study, “Mobility of the Future,” which surveyed 4,000 people demonstrated that 35% of smartphone users admit to using them while driving.
Of those 35%, 89 % said it was for calls, 68% said it was for navigation, 39% said it was for text messaging, and 31% said it was for Internet usage.
For more about the survey results, click here.
Arrive alive, please don’t text and drive.


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About The Author

Picture of Leslie A. Goller

Leslie A. Goller

Leslie has dedicated her career to championing consumers – whether they were harmed by big corporations, dangerous products, medical mistakes, accidents, or an unsafe environment – no issue is too big for her to tackle. She successfully prevented an incinerator from being built at University Hospital (now UF-Jacksonville), which would have polluted the air with toxic chemicals and obtained significant restrictions of other Jacksonville hospital incinerators resulting in cleaner air.