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Are You Having Arsenic with Your Wine?

A class action lawsuit has been filed in California against 28 wineries because their wines have dangerous levels of Arsenic. Approximately 1,300 bottles of wine were tested and 83 revealed high levels of inorganic Arsenic. The testing was done at Beverages Grades  in Denver and the results were confirmed by two other labs. The results are posted on Tainted Wine’s website.
The 83 bottles showed elevated levels of arsenic up to five times the amount the EPA approves for water. That amount exceeds the safe daily intake limit for Arsenic by 500%. The risks of Arsenic exposure include: cancer, cardiovascular problems, and diabetes.
Nearly all the wines in the lawsuit sell for under $10 and it was mainly the white or blush varieties that contained the higher Arsenic levels.
The following are the brands of wines mentioned in the lawsuit: Acronym, Almaden, Arrow Creek, Bandit, Bay Bridge, Beringer, Charles Shaw, Colores Del Sol, Glen Ellen, Concannon, Cook’s Spumante, Corbett Canyon, Cupcake, Fetzer, Fisheye , Flipflop, Foxhorn, Franzia, Hawkstone, Korbel, Menage A Trois, Mogen David, Oak Leaf, Pomelo, R Collection, Rex Goliath, Richards, Seaglass, Simply Naked, Smoking Loon, Sutter Home, Trapiche, Tribuno, Vendange, Wine Cube
For the complete list of Arsenic-tainted wines, click here.
“Very high levels of arsenic” in top-selling wines
Lawsuit claims arsenic levels ‘unsafe’ in low-cost wines


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About The Author

Picture of Leslie A. Goller

Leslie A. Goller

Leslie has dedicated her career to championing consumers – whether they were harmed by big corporations, dangerous products, medical mistakes, accidents, or an unsafe environment – no issue is too big for her to tackle. She successfully prevented an incinerator from being built at University Hospital (now UF-Jacksonville), which would have polluted the air with toxic chemicals and obtained significant restrictions of other Jacksonville hospital incinerators resulting in cleaner air.