Conditions Are Ripe for More Semi-Truck Accidents to Occur Now Than Ever Before
According to U.S. census figures, Florida is now the second fastest-growing state in the nation behind Texas. Over 1500 people a day are moving to our state and it is estimated that by July 1st of this year, over 21.2 million people will reside here. With expansive growth comes many issues this state must face, but none is more important than the increased numbers of cars and trucks congesting our roadways and towns. As the numbers of vehicles increase, so do the number of accidents and injuries that occur each day in our state. Additionally, Florida is experiencing record numbers of tourists and visitors arriving each day due to the economic recovery being made nationwide. The majority of these visitors arrive by car and unfortunately last year the state of Florida saw an increase in the number of automobile and truck accidents that resulted in injuries and in many cases death.
Florida is fortunate for the growth in its trucking industry because of the increased population and the infrastructure of roadways connecting the southeast with the rest of the nation. Jacksonville and the I-10 West and I-95 corridors serve as one of the most important routes trucks take in the state. Because of this, automobile drivers in Florida and especially those using these thoroughfares are more at risk of being in a trucking accident than people in other areas of the country. Unfortunately, truck and semi-truck accidents are more common than most people realize.
Last year in the state of Florida, there were thousands of truck and semi-truck accidents. Flatbed and Enclosed Box Trucks are involved in the majority of trucking accidents in Florida. There are a lot more of these types of trucks on the road, hauling goods and freight than any other. Logging trucks and dump trucks are other types of trucks that have been involved in serious accidents. Many of these truck and semi-truck accidents occurred in part because of the individual truck driver themselves. Long hours, hazardous weather conditions, and increased traffic congestion contributed to these accidents, but accidents are caused by careless drivers making poor decisions at critical times on the road, resulting in injuries that could have been avoided. A large percentage of these accidents resulted in serious injuries and a significant number led to fatalities. Of all traffic-related fatalities nationwide, 12% are caused by truck and semi-truck accidents, and 98% of the time it is someone in the passenger vehicle, not the truck driver who dies as a result. It would be considered a wrongful death case if the truck driver was at fault for an accident that resulted in the death of someone else.
Why Choose Terrell Hogan as Your Personal Injury Law Firm?
If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck or semi-truck accident, you need to seek legal counsel as soon as you can to protect the evidence involved in your case. Because of the financial exposure insurance companies face insuring commercial vehicles, their drivers, and the trucking companies that own them, they are very aggressive in defending cases that involve accidents with injuries.
Once a trucking accident occurs, insurance underwriters will immediately dispatch investigators, claims adjusters, professional accident reconstructors and conduct interviews with witnesses to determine if the truck driver was at fault in causing the accident. Ultimately, they are looking for any mitigating circumstances that could have contributed to the accident many times finding fault with the other driver and questioning if they actually caused the accident. They also diligently defend their clients to minimize any payouts or awards for legitimate claims. Imagine the damage that can occur to you, your passengers, and your car if a negligent truck driver hits you. It is the truck driver’s responsibility to at all times keep his/her vehicle under control because of the size and weight of the truck and the speeds at which these trucks travel.
Since 1974, Terrell Hogan has been representing the seriously injured in all types of trucking accidents. We have spent our entire career fighting insurance companies on behalf of injured victims seeking fair and just compensation for their injuries. Our legal team understands how insurance companies work, and we have been very successful in demanding maximum recovery for our clients. We have won 100’s of millions of dollars for our clients involved in all types of accidents and we will do whatever we can to help you recover the maximum possible compensation for your injuries. If you have been injured in a traffic accident and someone else was to blame, call us at (904) 632-2424 for a free case evaluation. You pay absolutely no legal fees and costs unless we win money for you.