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Wayne Hogan Discusses Distracted Driving on FOX 30

With traffic crashes now the number one cause of death among teens, and over 5,000 lives lost each year to distracted driving, including texting, cell phone calls, gps, and social media, this negligent behavior needs to be stopped in its tracks; it has become an epidemic. This is very concerning; 46% of teenage drivers are willing to admit to texting while driving; the ACTUAL PERCENTAGE texting and driving is surely higher. Distracted driving is negligent driving, and it must be stopped.
Terrell • Hogan attorney Wayne Hogan was recently interviewed by Tera Barz on FOX 30 ‘s Action News This Morning to get the word out about the dangers of distracted driving. Wayne is visiting Jacksonville area high schools in April to give teens real world examples of driving distracted and provide some strategies to prevent it. It’s part of the The End Distracted Driving Initiative, a program to save lives that was created by The Casey Feldman Foundation, The End Distracted Driving Initiative, 60 for Safety, and Injury Board. When you think about it, the choice of April as End Distracted Driving month makes sense; soon there will by proms and graduations and these young drivers need all the help they can get to stay safe.
The hope is that the students who hear the anti-distracted driving message will act as ambassadors to their parents and friends who also may not have focused on the dangers of texting and driving and the like.
The Terrell • Hogan law firm has contacts with other attorneys across the country who are working to end this type of careless driving, so whether you are in the Jacksonville, Florida area or not and would like a personal injury and wrongful death attorney to bring the end distracted driving message to a school in your area, you can contact us at 904-632-2424.
Wayne Hogan is a Florida and National board certified trial lawyer and president of the TERRELL • HOGAN personal injury and wrongful death law firm.


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About The Author

Picture of Laura Hack

Laura Hack

Laura Hack is a paralegal with Terrell • Hogan. She has been with the firm since 1996 and has worked primarily for Wayne Hogan. She is an experienced Paralegal with 30+ years of working in the law practice industry. Skilled in Appeals, Civil Trial Litigation Support, Torts, Trial Practice, and Pleadings.