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Recently, while waiting to talk about a worrisome but necessary topic, dangerous toys, with Melissa Ross on First Coast Connect, the new WJCT “green” room was brightened by the presence of an every Thursday guest, the ever-friendly, and funny, Kerry Speckman. While waiting for my segment on Trouble in Toyland and the need for shoppers to watch out for dangerous toys, I got a preview of Kerry’s interview with Melissa where she shed light on all-things-Jacksonville and how to find out about them go to The Specktator was my takeaway.
It’s the second time, Kerry and I were there together, and I make it a point to listen-in to FCC on Thursdays as she treats Jacksonville to “specktacular” things we need to know about the First Coast.
If you want to know what is happening on the First Coast, be sure to check out Kerry’s website The Specktator or on Facebook.


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About The Author

Picture of Wayne Hogan

Wayne Hogan

Wayne Hogan, a Jacksonville native, has been with the firm since 1977. He graduated from Florida State University, where he received both his bachelor’s and J.D. degrees. He specializes in all areas of personal injury law. In addition to participating in many professional associations, he and his wife, Pat, are also actively involved in the community.