We have 10 days to make a difference. Just 10 days to tell our Legislature to Fund Education First, Cut it Last.
On Monday, April 25th, the Legislature begins the process of negotiating the Florida budget, and if they don’t hear from you the anticipated cuts to public schools could get worse. Tax cuts for corporations could get bigger on the backs of our schools. Cuts to education have been coming for years. They are not new, they are not necessary, and they are NOT acceptable. In a year when Tallahassee can give a tax break to companies like Expedia.com, how can we stay silent as they cut basic core services at public schools? It is time for public education supporters to be heard. To learn more on how you can help by calling ten friends and ask them to reach the ten elected officials listed on the Reach 10 website. http://www.reach10.org/
In the face of drastic education budget cuts, Save Duval Schools www.saveduvalschools.org was founded in 2009 to give an informed and unified voice to students, parents and the many child-serving nonprofits who support public schools. As a result of a successful internet-based campaign and its partnership with concerned citizens, businesses and the City of Jacksonville, state leaders were moved to reduce $160 million in projected budget cuts for Duval County to $40 million. Save Duval Schools is is about investing in our children to make the grade.