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Protecting Girls’ Rights

Wayne Hogan successfully repre­sented Florida parents acting on behalf of their athletic daughters, by filing suit in Federal Court and forcing the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) to rescind Policy 6. Policy 6 decreased the number of varsity games 20% and junior varsity games 40% for all sports except football and cheerleading, which disproportionately affected girl athletes.
Policy 6, the subject of the litigation, disparately treated girls and constituted sex discrim­i­nation in violation of (1) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq.), (2) the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Consti­tution (as enforced through 42 U.S.C. §1983), and (3) the Florida Educa­tional Equity Act (§1000.05, F.S.). It therefore violated federal consti­tu­tional and statutory law as well as state anti-discrimination laws, not to mention that it turned the clock back 40 years. In 2010, Wayne Hogan and Leslie A. Goller were honored by Girls, Inc. for their pro bono legal work in stopping the FHSAA’s violation of Title IX. Read more here.


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About The Author

Picture of Laura Hack

Laura Hack

Laura Hack is a paralegal with Terrell • Hogan. She has been with the firm since 1996 and has worked primarily for Wayne Hogan. She is an experienced Paralegal with 30+ years of working in the law practice industry. Skilled in Appeals, Civil Trial Litigation Support, Torts, Trial Practice, and Pleadings.