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National Trial Magazine Publishes Matt Sowell’s Article on Stroke Cases

Terrell • Hogan attorney Matt Sowell, who focuses his practice on representing victims of medical malpractice and clients who have suffered complex injuries, recently authored an article Present the Whole Picture in Stroke Cases that appeared in the January edition of Trial, the official publication of the American Association of Justice (AAJ). The AAJ is the largest organization of trial attorneys in the United States. Matt is the chairman of the AAJ’s Stroke Litigation Group.
Written for fellow attorneys representing stroke victims and their loved ones, the article underscores stroke as a rapidly growing public health crisis and, consequently carrying the increased likelihood that more trial attorneys will be asked to investigate cases stemming from brain damage caused by stroke.
The article explores the two types of stroke: hemorrhagic – when a blood vessel ruptures and releases blood into the brain tissue; and ischemic – a stroke caused by a decrease in blood flow to the brain. Particular emphasis is given to Warning Strokes (transient ischemic attacks (TIA) or mini-strokes) which cause no permanent brain damage, but strongly indicate that conditions exist for a major stroke to occur.
Sowell discusses the four categories of claims that stem from stroke cases: stroke caused by injury, medication-induced stroke, failure to recognize or treat stroke and negligent treatment of a person having a stroke. With strokes, the earlier they are recognized and treated, the greater likelihood of a better outcome; many medical facilities use the phrases, “Time Equals Brain” and “Time lost is brain lost” to emphasize the importance of prompt response.
Matt also explores the proper use of neuroimaging and experts to assess the unique causation issues in a stroke case and the stroke victims’ injuries. He also delves into some common arguments used by hospital and other medical provider defense counsel. Finally, the article makes suggestions for optimizing the clients’ recovery by exploring the devastating impact stroke can have on the stroke victims and their loved ones’ finances and quality of life.
Cases involving stroke are extremely complicated and require unique medical expertise and understanding of this medical condition. If you or a loved one has suffered brain damage from a stroke and believe it may have been someone else’s fault, consider having Terrell • Hogan represent you. To reach attorney Matt Sowell, call (904) 632-2424 or email him at


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About The Author

Picture of Wayne Hogan

Wayne Hogan

Wayne Hogan, a Jacksonville native, has been with the firm since 1977. He graduated from Florida State University, where he received both his bachelor’s and J.D. degrees. He specializes in all areas of personal injury law. In addition to participating in many professional associations, he and his wife, Pat, are also actively involved in the community.