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Four Things You Can Do to Help Ban Forced Arbitration

On March 10, 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released the second part of its forced arbitration study, a significant step in the ongoing fight to end the abusive practice of forced arbitration.
You have a Constitutional right, the 7th Amendment, to a trial by jury. It guarantees you access to the civil justice system to hold corporations and people accountable when the injure and kill you or your family. However, by hiding forced arbitration clauses in the fine print of agreements for ordinary and necessary services, corporations have been able to avoid crucial consumer protection laws designed to makes sure that even the most powerful corporations follow the rules.
Consumers need to take back their right. Here are four things that you can do today to encourage the CFPB to ban forced arbitration:


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About The Author

Picture of Leslie A. Goller

Leslie A. Goller

Leslie has dedicated her career to championing consumers – whether they were harmed by big corporations, dangerous products, medical mistakes, accidents, or an unsafe environment – no issue is too big for her to tackle. She successfully prevented an incinerator from being built at University Hospital (now UF-Jacksonville), which would have polluted the air with toxic chemicals and obtained significant restrictions of other Jacksonville hospital incinerators resulting in cleaner air.