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Distracted Driving Awareness Presentations

As part of Terrell • Hogan’s Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign, we’re pleased to offer two presentations: one for adults, For the Workforce and one for teen drivers, End Distracted Driving.

Over 10,000

To date, the Terrell • Hogan Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign has reached over 10,985 teens and adults on the First Coast through its presentations.

Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of work-related deaths in the U.S. and distracted driving is playing a larger role in them.


With almost 25% of crashes estimated to involve cell phone use, it’s important employers consider adopting policies about cell phone use while employees are driving. Cell phones have caused employers’ liability to spike.

What It’s About

For the Workforce is hour-long presentation explores how addressing cell phone use while driving is imperative for protecting both the public’s health and employers’ bottom lines. It covers the risks of distracted driving, strategies and solutions to combat it, legal liabilities and other serious consequences such as: civil liability for personal injury or wrongful death, criminal charges, property damage, loss of a license, insurance rate hikes and productivity loss.

Financial Stakes

With new changes in the legal landscape, the financial stakes are even higher for companies and drivers. Attendees will hear about recent court cases that hold employers and employees responsible when distracted driving causes a wreck, from civil lawsuits to punitive damages and criminal charges. Wayne Hogan predicts it’s just a matter of time before Florida prosecutors begin treating texting like drunk driving, and bring manslaughter charges when texting while driving causes a death.

Corporate Cell Phone Policy

The presentation explores the issues involved in creating and implementing policies addressing cell phone use and identifies policies used by some companies.

Click here for examples of corporate cell phone policies. 

To schedule a presentation, call Windy Foden at (904) 632-2424 or email

Presentation for Teens: End Distracted Driving

Why We Need It

Distracted driving is an epidemic on our roadways. Thousands of lives are tragically taken each year by drivers who are texting, talking on their phones or engaged in other distracted behavior while behind the wheel. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety,  distracted driving is responsible for more than 58% of teen crashes.

What’s Covered

Our End Distracted Driving Student Awareness presentation gets the message out to teen drivers early, before bad habits form. We hope to help save lives by sharing the stark realities of how taking a life by driving distracted can ruin their futures. We also offer strategies on how to get a distracted driver to stop unsafe behavior while riding as passenger.

Who Inspired It

The program was created by the Casey Feldman Foundation and, in honor of the 21 year-old college student, who lost her life after a distracted driver struck and killed her in a crosswalk as she legally crossed the street. To request a presentation call (904) 632-2424 or email

Because One Text or Call Can Wreck it All

To request a free Terrell • Hogan presentation for your school, business, civic group or non-profit call 722-2228 when you’re not driving, of course.

Distracted Driving: Topic on First Coast Connect

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