Apple announced a major update to its Do Not Disturb feature. The iOS 11 update will enhance the Do Not Disturb feature to help users stay more focused on the road. The iPhone can detect when users may be driving and will automatically silence notifications to keep the screen dark. Users will have an option of sending an auto reply to contacts listed in favorites to let them know they are driving and cannot respond until they arrive at their destination.
Apple is giving the iPhone a new feature that shuts off notifications while driving.
At Terrell • Hogan, protecting families from unforeseen accidents and personal injury is what we do. Auto accidents in Jacksonville occur every day and can range from minor inconveniences to collisions resulting in major injury and death. We want to help make sure that if you or your loved ones are involved in an automobile accident your rights are protected
Please don’t drive distracted. One text or call can wreck it all.
Apple is giving the iPhone a new feature that shuts off notifications while driving
iPhone will get ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ mode in iOS 11 this fall